Nils-Kristian Moller
(home page editor)

About the Web Site ""

The domain "" is an independant and privately owned web site for members of the Møller/Moller family originating from Kragerø in Norway. The owner and editor of this page is me, Nils-Kristian Moller.

My original intentions with this site was to give family members close and remote a common place for information and contact displaying family news and pictures. Unfortunately my available time has not been sufficient for such a level of ambitions. Nowadays most such information is anyway shared through channels like Facebook etc.

My level of ambition is therefore adjusted to the available time. I will keep the e-mail service going and will welcome new subscribers. I will also keep links to family pictures already published and also give room for new pictures. And I will put up links to the sites and pages connected to family members that I get to know about. Please inform me if you know about any such pages.

You are very welcome to write to me if you have thoughts about this site or family related information that we could publish. The address is I look forward to hear from you.

Regards, Nils-Kristian

Our Family Name Møller / Möller / Moller / Moeller

Our family name is spelt Møller in Norwegian and Möller in Swedish, the letters "ø" and "ö" are really the same just written with a slash in Norwegian (and Danish) and with omlaut in Swedish (and German). This letter is not found in the English alphabet and some prefer to replace it with "oe" when writing English. I normally just drop the slash spelling our family name "Moller" when writing in an English language context.

E-mail at

Owning the domain name "" gives us the possibility of having email addresses on the form – or for those of us not having Møller/Moller as the last name. Such personal e-mail addresses are easy to communicate and easy to remember.

Please send me an email at if you want your own email address or if you have inquiries about this site.



P.O.Box 10, NO-2336 Stange, Norway
Norwegian org.number: NO.990529507
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